How to Join the Golden Gate Chapter, Vintage Volkwagen Club of America
To become a member of the Golden Gate Chapter, please fill out the below form and mail to the Golden Gate Chapter :
Mary Edson, Secretary
662 Hawthorne Ave
Campbell CA 95008
Bring form to meeting or email your information to
Membership in the Golden Gate Chapter is currently free
Download pdf form here and mail in.
About the Golden Gate Chapter
The Golden Gate Chapter of the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America is open to anyone with an interest in air-cooled Volkswagens. Ownership of a VW is not a prerequisite. Since we are a subgroup of the VVWCA, it is recommended that you also become a member of the VVWCA. You can join online at their website for FREE: also on Facebook at
Instagram page: @vintagevwclubofamerica
We encourage and welcome you to join our Chapter. You will learn about older VW's through our knowledgeable members, our quarterly newsletter, and attending our meetings and shows. There are over 100 local members. We meet on the first Friday of every month (unless it’s a holiday week or weekend) at Giovanni’s Pizzeria, 1127 N. Lawrence Expy, Sunnyvale, CA. Around 15-30 members attend each meeting. Our regular events include: Kelley Park, our April Car Show & Swap Meet, an October Pumpkin Run, a Holiday Lights Tour, the Chapter Christmas party and Solvang Veteranentreffen (Bi-annual Solvang Car Show). Visitors are always welcome; so if you are traveling to the San Francisco Bay area, please feel free to drop by and say "hi". For more information, check out our website at www. or call the chapter President, Rick Spohn at (408) 683-0154 or email us at
Please also join us on Facebook at
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