Kelley Park 2025

40th Annual Spring Meet at Kelley Park 2025

Sunday, April 13th, 2025

The Golden Gate Chapter of the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America will be hosting their 40th Annual Spring Meet at History San Jose at Kelley Park in San Jose on Sunday, April 13 from 8 am to 3 pm.  All air-cooled VW's are welcome.

All cars entering the park MUST register for the car show and MUST park in their respective class.  There will be NO pre-registration for either the car show or swap.  You will queue up in the bottom parking lot and pay at the gate and register your car at the club booth after you park your car inside the park.  Because of park concerns with people leaving early in their cars before the show ends, we ask if you think you have to leave early that you please park your car outside and walk-in.  If you would like to be a sponsor or a vendor, please contact Jan Peters at email or phone 650-207-1950 or Rick Spohn at or phone 408-683-0154.

Please note there is NO alcohol, NO pets, and NO BBQ's allowed inside the park.  These are park rules and must be obeyed.  The park has asked us to make sure everyone packs up and leaves immediately after the show is over.  This has become a problem in the past and has jeopardized our club to continue to have the show at the park. 

The Holiday Inn Express located at 17035 Condit Road in Morgan Hill will be the host hotel.  All you have to do is click on the link below and it will direct you to the reservation page.  Enter the dates you want and it will give you a discounted rate. Reserve hotel at this special LINK.

Link to Holiday Inn Express


For general information regarding the Kelley Park Spring Meet, please visit the Golden Gate Chapter website at



Classes for 2024:  

Questions or to volunteer pleases contact us at 

Red Barn VW Volkswagen Swap Meet, Off 101 in Aromas, CA Come out, CAMP, SWAP, and share stories!!

Page Last Updated 1/20/2025